Заедницата ВИЕТ од 54 етнички групи во Виетнам

Посети: 488

     The KINH or VIET have a population of about 71.3 million persons, accounting for about 87% of the total population of the country. They live in all the provinces but most densely in delta areas and urban centers. Their language belongs to the Виетнам-мононг група1.

     The Kinh carry out wet-rice cultivation. They are experienced In building dykes and digging canals. Horticulture, sericulture, husbandry, fishing are flounshed. Pottery developed very early.

     It is their habit to chew betel, smoke water pipe and cigarette, and drink tea. Apart from cooked ordinary and glutinous rice, they take rice porridge, steamed glutinous rice, cakes, vermicelli, and noodle. Shrimp paste and half-hatched duck eggs are their specialties. The traditional attire of the KINH in the North is brown pajamas for men, and four-paneled robe, bra and trousers for women, also in brown color. In the southern delta, both men and women wear black pajamas.

     The KINH villages are usually surrounded by bamboo clumps and have solid gates. Each village has a communal house for meetings and worshipping tutelary gods. The KINH live In houses built on the ground.

    The husband (татко) is the head of the family. Children take their father’s family name. Relatives on the father’s side are called “ho noi"(paternal relatives), and those on the mothers side “ho ngoai"(maternal relatives). The eldest son is responsible for the worship of dead parents ana ancestors. Each family lineage has a temple of forefathers and the head of the famiy lineage handles common affairs.

   In marriage, monogamy is observed. The family of the man seeks marriage and organizes wedding for him; after the wedding party the bride lives with her husband’s family. The KINH attach much importance to fidelity and virtues of the brides and also to their family stock.

     They worship their ancestors. Dead persons are worshipped every year at the date of death. Their graves are visited and looked after frequently by relatives. The peasants hold annual festivals linked with agncuftural beliefs: Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism Христијанството are practiced to various extents.

    The asset of literature of the KINH is fairly rich: orally-transferred literature (old tales, folk ballads, proverbs), written literature (poems, prose, books, edicts). Art sees an early development at a high level in many respects: song music, sculpture, painting, dance and performance. Annual village festivals are the biggest and most attractive time for lively art artivities in the countryside.

Виетнамци - Holylandvietnamstudies.com
VIET people is gathering the rice (Извор: ВНА издавачи)

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◊ виетнамска верзија (vi-VersiGoo) со веб-глас (Веб-аудио):  Nguoi HOA trong Cong dong 54 Дан toc anh em o Viet Nam.
◊ виетнамска верзија (vi-VersiGoo) со веб-глас (Веб-аудио):  Nguoi KANG тринг Конг донг 54 Дан ток анм и Виетнам.
◊ виетнамска верзија (vi-VersiGoo) со веб-глас (Веб-аудио):  Nguoi KHMER trong Cong dong 54 Дан toc anh em o Viet Nam.
◊ итн

09 / 2020

1 :… Ажурирање

◊ Извор и слики:  54 етнички групи во Виетнам, Тонг Тан Издавачи, 2008 година.
◊ Сите наводи и закосени текстови се поставени од Бан Ту Ту - thanhdiavietnamhoc.com

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